Anonymous (ID: Xo0vFcWr) 03/20/21(Sat)01:41:48 No.312838052 ▶not a vaccine
It is the mRNA editing serum sold by drug companies who have been legally absolved of any and all liability should there be issues
mRNA editing serum
Crispr technology Not a VACCINE
So safe its manufactures have been absolved of any liability for damages incurred
COVID Cases Are Spiking In A Dozen States With High Vaccination Rates
Bill Gates gets $7.5B donation from American taxpayers during pandemic
▶Anonymous 03/19/21 (Fri) 22:06:25 bb9e53 (22) No.13257965 >>13257968
joe spends one minute on Asian raycism before talking about everything else under the sun
something big is happening behind the scenes & these people are scared
▶ follow the money!
Tomorrow is the last day Joe has spending money. Presidential transition act allows 60 days after inauguration.
JimJordan Tweeted Biden has not sent Congress a budget.
Biden is suspending staff and making others remote workers.
that is a staff of 2600 to handle all of his needs. Food, Travel, everything
He cannot use AF1 call sign which his travels are handled through this office. They coordinate with the military to arrange.