Maskless priest has homeschooling mom of 11 arrested for not masking in church
"This is the demonic, sodomitical church at work. The priest was moved by hatred at the sight of a large, devout family at prayer. There is nothing more to it than that. I used to live in the Diocese of Kansas City, KS, and it is overrun with homosexual priests. The persecution of believing Catholics is just beginning, and it will be our corrupt hierarchy that leads the charge." Timothy J. Williams • 3 hours ago
"All 41 Medical Studies on CVirus and Masks basically state they are useless and can actually cause infection. Yet because this is not about "Science" but about instituting the NWO Great Reset which Bill Gates, the CDC, and Fauci are all trying to bring about we are forced to wear these Satanic "badges" -- the fact this insanity is called "Science" tells you all you need to know about the current state of "Medicine" owned by Big Pharma and Gates." Georgia • 4 hours ago
AA-1025 The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle