▶Anonymous 03/26/21 (Fri) 19:36:26 c83028 (3) No.13304194
#ReformaPravosuđa Let me introduce you a case that is curently shaking Croatia.
Its about a person named Zdravko Mamic. He is former director of the best croatian soccer team Dinamo Zagreb. He was lately acused of money laundering from the club. He was sentenced for a prison, but he escaped to Bosnia and Herzegovina and now he is doing complete mess on social media cause he decided that he will pay the price for his sins but he will also take all of the others with him. Lots of people that took him to prison are the same ones that have been good with him all these years. Now, whats the most interesting fact here is that today, Mamic wrote a post on FB that many judges in Osijek (town where Mamic was sued) are pedophiles that were torturing underage children who were raised in homes for kids without parents.
As i told, he will take the whole corrupt and satanic pedophile ring in croatia down. He is successful business man and he has lots of evidences. He said that this is only the beginning and that they will all burn in hell. He already presented some bills and tickets to dubai for judge who said that didnt have any contacts with Mamic.
This is one in a million chance to take the corrupt system in croatia down. Writing this here and hopping that it will have some kind of imapct on the world cause its about kids that dont have parents and are being raped and molested by the people who are acting like "law" in the country.
Mamic will pay the price, but will take many with him.
"this makes it harder for china to sell us things & to buy our oil, I'll leave the rest up to you"
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"Are we still pretending this is normal and this guy is in charge??? Honestly it’s just sad at this point." DJTjr
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