THE FRAUD WILL STAND – Supreme Court Rejects Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud Cases without Comment
▶ here,,, HERE,,, here ,,, & here.
Eagle Finial! Trump is still President!! Anonymous 03/01/21(Mon)19:00:43 No.310260489 - /pol/310260489
▶This post is for those who did not pick up on the simple things that told us ALOT!! This is for those who lost a little faith in the process of the plan, the Military Intelligence Operation that was originally created by 200 Generals that has been in place since nine one one, and coming to an end very soon!
Time to focus on the flag behind Trump last night folks! Let’s have a look at the adornments on top of the flag and talk about their meaning.
The “Gold Eagle” is for the President of the United States ONLY
The “Gold Spear Ball” is for MILITARY RECRUITING CENTERS ONLY! The “GOLD ACORN” IS FOR MILITARY PARADES ONLY. (Army regulation 840-10, chapter 8)
No gold fringe signifies the flag of “America the Republic” What we saw last night was the flag of “Republic America”, and who we heard speaking was the 19th President of the American Republic.

& Here's Joe….No AF1 callsign.
For those too lazy to read the manual. Anonymous 03/01/21(Mon)19:14:25 No.310261917 - /pol/310260489
Trump: Request for 10K Guard Troops Rejected Days Before Riot▶ 8–2.Flagstaff head (finial)The flagstaff head (finial) is the decorative ornament at the top of a flagstaff. This does not restrict the display of a State flag from a staff bearing a State device when national and other State flags are displayed from adjacent flagstaffs; however, the Army does not provide such devices. Only the following finials are authorized on the flag used by Army organizations:
a. Eagle (Presidential flagstaffs) (see fig 8–1).
120AR 840–10 • 15 June2017
b. Spearhead (the spearhead is the only device used with Army flags) (see fig 8–2).
c. Acorn (markers and marking pennants flagstaffs) (see fig 8–3.)
AR 840–10 • 15 June2017121d. Ball (outdoor wall mounted for advertising or recruiting) (see fig 8–4.)
Which flagstaff head do you see behind Trump?
The plot thickens!
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