▶ fed anon posts about a federal investigation into election fraud, likely wrapping up in May
>you’d be surprised what agency will be first to bring the case public
>These people really like their 98-9% conviction rate
>US Postal Inspection Service happens to have a 98% conviction rate
>image posted by fed anon is pulled directly from a USPS report USPIS
>is the oldest federal law enforcement agency in America
>has jurisdiction over any crimes that fraudulently use the US postal system (MAIL IN BALLOTS)
>has the power to make arrests and serve federal search warrants
>has a 44,000 sq. ft. forensic lab in Dulles, VA with fingerprinting, physical sciences, and digital evidence units
▶ This is bigger than Trump, bigger than any of us.This is about saving The United States of America.Traitor 44 tried to defund the police, and replace them with UN soldiers. That failed, BLM knows he played them for fools.Carter Reagan Bush Clinton Bush Obama have been trying to destroy this country for decades. We aren't gonna let that happen anymore. It's all about to be exposed, and these rats won't be able to hide.We're taking our country back. State by state, county by county.
▶ summarizing how the USPIS has been involved in taking down organized crime. U. S. Postal Inspection Service - Headquarters
▶ The US Postal Service is a Quasi-Federal agency. NOT part of the Federal government, instead it is a ship of it's own, existing beside the Federal government upon the Holy Sea, under admiralty law. The USPS HQ building in DC is the sovereign seat of power for that entity. When the USPS abandoned that ship, under admiralty law, it was considered lost at sea. The Federal government unwittingly surrendered the Post office, and the military that exists through that post office, to Donald J Trump, who also owns the Winter White House.
▶ Look at page 36 where they talk about a raid in Frankfurt Germany that was ID’d with blockchain analysis: https://www.uspis.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/2019AR.pdf
▶ *********************REMINDER*********************** They nailed most all the mobsters with this BEFORE they had RICO statutes...This don’t smell like a Hawaiian shirt shill cope.
▶ There was a press conference about it in either November or Early December with the Amistad Project guy. He said that he wasn’t going to leave Harrisburg because he a) had ballots in his truck and b) they weren’t giving him the necessary slip he had to show in Lancaster to get paid/not get in trouble with said inspection service. He tried to get them to take the ballots in Harrisburg but the director of that distribution/field office—who if I’m remembering correctly was one of the state post office directors—refused and told him to start driving or else, essentially. Claimed it didn’t dawn on him that it was weird that PA ballots were coming from NY/they pushed him to Lancaster until his truck disappeared. I think I tried to look the USPS head of that Harrisburg center up back when the conference first dropped but I don’t know if I saved his name.
▶ https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41930.pdf
Rereading THIS, shows us that:
MAIL FRAUD carries 5years to LIFE IN PRISON
RICO carries 5 - 20 years in prison
Automatic restitution
What I find MOST interesting here, is: that it was created FEB 2019, also the same time of the USPS Blockchain patent.
What is MOST interesting is: that it’s short and sweet, 33 pages worth. Part of the commission of crimes is the mens rea concept, that one KNEW they were committing crimes. This is a product of Congressional Research Service, doing the grunt work for legislators for over 100 years. So... ANYONE in the Lower & upper Houses having received this, and was partaking at all in any form of voter/mail/wire fraud, is culpable. Very interesting, the timing, and content.
https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200258338A1/en FEB 2019 USPS Blockchain patent.
- Mike Lindell's 'Absolute Proof' Documentary - Only the Important Part
- MI Court: Michigan Secretary of State’s Absentee Ballot Order Broke Law, Vindicating Trump Claim
▶ Courts refused to hear cases for the same reason the Georgia governor refused to audit the election after his daughter's fiance was blown up in his car. The message was clear. The elites were taken off guard by Trump in 2016 and were going to do what ever was necessary to get him out 9f office, even if it meant shoving a walking corpse and literally the most unpopular Democrat candidate into office. Some Anons has postulated that making it so blatantly obvious to the public was intentional. They need an uprising to fight against and frame themselves as the "Good Guys." It's why they keep hammering the January 6th "Capitol Insurgency" that, as Reichstag Fires go, was kind of a wet squib. Capitol police let some Boomers wander around the Capitol building for three hours, and Congress and the media acted like it was the start of the second Civil War. Which rang hallow for most people after six months of violence were called "Mostly Peaceful Protests" despite causing billions of dollars in damages and seeing dozens of people killed. As one Anon put it, we're seeing the collapse of the Post WWII Neoliberal establishment.
- New Report Shows Significant Election Irregularities in Many States
- Georgia Judge Might Unseal Fulton County Absentee Ballots for Fraud Investigation
▶ >Based We are literally posting in a happening thread. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/312233991/#312259469
USPIS investigating election fraud?? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/312233991
USPIS Election Fraud Investigation #2 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/312261847