! FBI Withheld DAMNING EVIDENCE That Would Have Stopped President Trump's Impeachment !
- "The #FakeNews is lying to everyone about our filings in the Dominion case. My position has not changed. We will be taking them to the mat." Sidney
- Lin Wood: The Hunted becomes the Hunter.
- Lawmakers' resolution calls for investigation of 2020 election
- Major Swing State Announces Investigation Into 2020 Election Trump Was Said to Have Lost
- The Wisconsin state assembly has passed a resolution to authorize an investigation into the 2020 presidential election The committee will now have subpoena power to compel testimony and gather documents

Number of women to lose their unborn child after having the Covid Vaccine increases by 366% in just six weeks "The Government have released weekly reports on adverse reactions to the experimental Covid-19 vaccines, the first of which covered data inputted to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme from the 9th December 2020 through to the 24th January 2021. Their latest report (find it here), which is the seventh to be remhmleased covers data inputted to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme from the 9th December 2020 though to the 7th March 2021.Just six weeks separate the first and seventh report, and the shocking increase in the number of women losing their unborn and newborn child in that time due to having either the Pfizer or AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is appalling."
Portentous Sign: Covid Cases Spike in a Dozen States With High Vaccination Rates Which May Signal a Feared Health CatastropheIsraelis Cry Out to the World to Stop Mandatory COVID Injections as Lawsuit is Filed in International Criminal Court Over Nuremberg Code Violation "The entire world is watching in horror as death rates have skyrocketed in Israel since the Israeli government brokered a secret deal with Pfizer to inject the entire population with their experimental COVID shots, which are now being mandated as a condition to participate in society."