MISSISSIPPI: In the sixty-four-page order, Judge Jeff Weill not only calls for a new election but also finds evidence of fraud and criminal activity, in how absentee ballots were handled, how votes were counted, and the actions by some at the polling place. .......
&, ALABAMA "4 LARGE states in a period of 4 days eliminate the mask mandate? President Trump is still running the show…" anon
....... &, passes the Arizona House by a vote of 51-1

Where did the $9 TRILLION go?: Within a span of six months, the Fed had pumped out a cumulative $9 trillion in loans to Wall Street’s trading houses, according to its own spread sheets, with no peep as to which Wall Street firms were getting the bulk of that money. It’s more than a year later and the American people still have no idea what triggered that so-called “repo loan crisis” or which Wall Street firms were in trouble or remain in trouble.

Stunning-> DC's National Guard Commander told members of Congress that he had the authority to mobilize troops to respond to a civil disturbance... until the guidance changed the day before the insurrection.
Phone Records Prove House Sergeant-at-Arms DID Ignore Pleas for Backup: Capitol Police Chief