/pol/ Anonymous (ID: jDmudbfq) 02/09/23(Thu)18:22:24 No.415513369
Portland Maine City Council tried to destroy the kid's life by calling upon BLM/ANTIFA publicly. It backfired so they held an emergency townhall meeting. I promise you anons, you need to save this link and watch the first 2 hours of it. There is so MUCH gold in it for material. You have no idea.
They got so much backlash from locals, that they had to call in the calvary - state run media. When that happened /pol/ and local Mainers absolutely destroyed all of their posts and articles in the comment sections.
422 Comments and growing. 24 likes. The "reporter" came out today with a public statement trying to DEFEND his reporting on the subject. Link below.
Anons, I couldn't make this up if I wanted to. EVERY woke institution is falling apart from this.