Tuesday, February 28, 2023

dancing tango w/demons


Ida B. Wells

Maybe they shouldn't have killed all the white engineers?

ZIMBABWE ..... 2000 .. (Zanu-PF) ..... 2017 ..... 2021

Columbus, Georgia ..... St. Louis ..... AUSTRALIA

meanwhile, IN TEXAS

TelAviv / RUSSIA

fat Stacy goes to Nigeria


Emergency service officers in the city of Donetsk described the terrorist tactics of the Ukrainian military. After Ukrainian soldiers shell the city, they wait until the rescue crews arrive to help civilians and shell the same areas again. This is the way the Ukrainian military has been hunting people who have been saving lives of civilians during the eight years of war in the Donbass.

For example, on February 23, Ukrainian Nazis launched precise strike with the US-made HIMARS MLR on the ambulance in the city of Donetsk. Ukrainian terrorists used the same inhumane tactics of the repeated fire.

As a result of the attack, four members of the ambulance staff were killed, including two young women. Ukrainian terrorists intentionally killed four ambulance employees who came to rescue a wounded woman as a result of the first round of shelling.

The Nazis coordinated fire with a drone and clearly designated their target. The Nazis proudly shared the video online. It was also broadcasted by the Ukrainian TV, showing another “victory” of the Nazi regime.

Former US Mercenary In Ukraine Defects to Russia

potato's milestones


Zelensly sold land in Eastern Ukraine to Greedy American "investors", but that land is now controlled by Russia... HAHAHA That's why Biden is shitting his adult diapers, because he & his friends lost all that money & all that land in Ukraine now. KEK  /pol/

Hampshire, Essex & Lancashire

Whistleblower & former Hunter Biden associate Gal Luft ARRESTED after he allegedly provided the FBI with incriminating info against Biden family..

The entire point of soft depopulation is to avoid normies nooooooticing, lest they turn on their masters. If they didn't care about that, they would round us up and shoot us one by one... but of course, they wouldn't be able to keep this up. 

Do you even realize the balls that it takes to want to reduce population from 8 billion to 0.5 billion? Let that sink in. Think of the risk. 

 They need to boil the frog ever so slowly. ..... it will happen, but it will be gradual, and you will live to see normies blame it on Global Warming. /pol/ Vax/Vaccine Dieoff