Saturday, December 10, 2022

#twitterfiles No one playing the game gets a pass, NO ONE !!!

None of this is to convince or motivate a change in [D] behaviors at this stage. They are in it up to their necks & were committed communists long before. This is simply to build a base of understanding within the proletariat general for the real heavy lifting, which is yanking these scum out of their rat holes & criminally prosecuting them. They're immune to shame, because they have none. Force & their own suffering is all they understand. These are psychopaths. Nothing more.
8kun/Qre ▶Anonymous 12/11/22 (Sun) 01:40:01 No.17921028

1. Thread: THE TWITTER FILES - Matt Tiabbi

Michael Shellenberger @ShellenbergerMD 1. TWITTER FILES, PART 4 

Twitter Files Part 4 w/ Shellenberger - Elon Exposing Twitter's Previous Corruption