We KNOW why they barred ivermectin & HCQ.
Anon, skip the animal version of the IVC. Perhaps useful in an absolute emergency but you should be able to get the IVC now but if unable, zStack is what you're looking for as Dr. Zelenko put the right doses of quercitin (ionesphore just like HVQ, IVC) Zinc, Vitamin C & Vitamin D3. The Zelenko Protocol. Hope your Mother gets better!!! https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/#vitamins
from a Russian Telegram account
>>18035434, >>18035436, >>18035446, >>18035454 Wartime President
more meanwhile: the Bolsheviks @ WEF
Peak Zelensky: When the president of the poorest, most corrupt nation in Europe is feted w/multiple standing ovations by the combined Houses of Congress, & his name invoked in the same breath as Winston Churchill