Wednesday, December 14, 2022

SCOTUS CASE OF THE CENTURY: 💥 #FauciFarewellTour from accountability to actionable, Ensemble Für Frühe Musik Augsburg


Merkel's Knockout: the Minsk Agreement was a stalling tactic that allowed the West (Obama/Nuland) to militarize Ukraine as an anti-Russian proxy & fortify it (hmm) for an inevitable war.

8Kun/Qre ▶Anonymous 12/14/22 (Wed) 15:40:30 No.17940643

Loy Brunson & the Supreme Court Case of The Century.

Part 1 An interview with Loy Brunson who, together with his brothers, filed a court case that was accepted by the supreme court against 388 members of the House of Representatives and Senate.

Listen to what he says about giving back the money that was stolen from we the people.

Part 2

CASE link:

Loy's Website:

Part 3

Supreme Court Case #22-380 Brunson VS. Adams Defendants Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris & 94 Senators

attacks on USA power grids

a cesspool i tell you!!,, 💥merely a distraction my dear spin-rinsed schlubb

ok, then: Vaccine dangers, UK Parliament debate

it's not 'rare' or '1 in a million' if it's already listed in Pfizers 9 pages of side effects

It's a savage day in the neighborhood

the reality in America: 'After looking at unprovoked assaults, murder & robbery crime statistics it appears the black African negroid people are attacking innocent people mainly white people for no reason & violent attacks by black African negroid attackers are escalating at alarming rates & it is trending upwards big-time & in most cases it looks like full-scale WARFARE.' anon



in the Rain & Snow