'Dialectic Faith-> We not
only source "opposites" as "to be iNcLuDeD in the dialogue" ourselves,
we will react with how dare you & blame you for telling us what we
told you before.' anon ...... NOTABLE - MA. created brochures promising resources for migrants
{Brain-chips: It is interestingly insightful into how legacy media, directly funded by
governments to promote & shape narratives, attempts to seed
previously unthinkable ideas w/in the public consciousness. ...... 'So later, rather than walking just the dog, I should walk my collection of speaker magnets to see which cross training jogger assholes short circuit? Asking for the dog' anon}
meanwhile, in Eagle Pass, Texas
filed under how they got to Fla. in the 1st place: Why would a Texas court open a file against Florida for sending people to Massachusetts?
The Great Reset, the 4th Kingdom, Daniel the prophet chapter 7, Revelation chapter 13
filed under,, & remember,, it could be your kids they're looking at: Patreon COLLAPSE
& THIS: "Remember when our hospitals fought hard to NOT GIVE YOU ivermectin if you got COVID? Remember when doctors & nurses deliberately killed your family & friends? Nobody is going to trust the American medical communityNational Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage