Wednesday, September 7, 2022

done by the book

“wipe out the upper levels of every single agency” - FBI, DOJ, NSA, DOD.

black-shirted thugs are taking over Portland’s streets

New Study & Pfizer Documents prove COVID Vaccine Shedding has been occurring with shocking consequences new study conducted by scientists at the University of Colorado confirms the vast majority of humanity has had absolutely no choice in the matter of whether they wish to get the Covid-19 injection or not because the vaccinated have been transmitting antibodies generated by the injections through aerosols.

The findings should however come as no surprise because a confidential Pfizer document had already confirmed exposure to the mRNA injections was perfectly possible by skin-to-skin contact and breathing the same air as someone who had been given the Covid-19 jab.

Version 1.1, Vaxx Shedding - PREFACE: Covid wasn’t as bad as covid jab. Since covid jab started the adverse effects & death soared, what most people didn’t anticipate is what it can do to the people who didn’t get the jab.

Palo Alto & Alameda

MASSACHUSETTS  "VOTE FOR GEOFF DIEHL IN NOVEMBER, MASSACHUSETTS ANONS. VOTE REPUBLICAN ALL THE WAY. PRESIDENT TRUMP ENDORSED GEOFF DIEHL AND WE MUST BEAT THE DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR WHO IS OUR CURRENT FECKLESS ATTORNEY GENERAL, MAURA HEALY. Massachusetts Anons, be sure to vote for Rayla Campbell (as Secretary of State), too, because she will keep elections fair and honest. Vote out every motherfucking Democrat and let the RED WAVE drown out all the evil Swamp Creatures in Massachusetts." ▶Anonymous 09/06/22 (Tue) 23:16:30 3f0e85 (4) No.17507963 - 8kun

New England