Tuesday, September 27, 2022

as close to the apocalypse as we have ever come 🚨

as close to the apocalypse as we have ever come

▶Anonymous 09/27/22 (Tue) 21:26:30  No.17591908

Kearsarge is the USMC's personal wet bus.

There were also scheduled joint exercises in the area, so who knows.

Still smells Belgian, as in NATO, to me.

▶Anonymous 09/27/22 (Tue) 21:57:08  No.17593681

Ukraine did it, they point mines in the seas around Ukraine in Russia so they have the capability of interferring with the pipeline. The polish people are drawing attention from Ukraine by saying “Thank You USA”, so they get everyone believing it. It sure is possible Brandon did but he’d be messing with a world super power, this more like the little rat Zelensky and Azov plans.The dead give away is ukraine says Russia blew up their own pipelines

Baltic pipeline opens up just in time to take the place of newly disabled Nord Stream.