Friday, September 2, 2022

COMRADE DARK BRANDON: a Schedule 4 POISON, We're in the abyss now fren #PedoHitler

The UN “Cancelled” Ukraine: The collapse of Western politics in all its glory 

INDIA .................. & BEIJING


meanwhile, the FBI

LIST of D & R PEDOs:  HERE, ..... HERE, ..... HERE, ..... & HERE.

Dr. Naomi Wolf: "They took an oath to do no harm ... The evidence is right before you. If you keep bullying pregnant women to get this injection, or you keep hiding the truth about what could have caused problems or miscarriages in a pregnancy, then you deserve civil and criminal charges."

Willful misconduct & criminal data fraud: But let’s focus on death certificates, as Dr. Henry Ealy eloquently explains the abhorrent actions taken by the CDC to inflate the COVID death count.

in Toddlers & Babies

the smoking gun documents: the Australian government & ministers at the highest level knew that the Covid-19 "vaccine" was classified as a Schedule 4 POISON

Vaccines are taking an average of 5 months to kill people


"10,000 MILLION JOBS!!"



Who staged this? Who wrote this? .......... CNN to the rescue!!

▶Anonymous 09/02/22 (Fri) 07:24:54 No.17481609

not sure if anons watched the floor path that joe walked on before and after the speech, walks on red then walks out on red turning blue, Trump and maga visuals clear and present danger

Note: This is the longer version, archived to check out the crowd and build up, Biden is lead to the podium by Jill his handler with a very strange light show, including the floor being lit from red to blue, spent most of his time attacking trump and maga republicans while projecting the crimes on to their opposition, looks desperate and worried and fragile.

Biden begins his speech about the 20 minute mark into this video. ( actual start @ 21:26 )

o wait ... !!! ........................... never mind.