Thursday, November 11, 2021
to stop any defensive movement of citizens to protect themselves.
lb#18949 High IQ post on Kyle Rittenhouse trial
Anon's speculation on where the Kyle Rittenhouse trial is going: It has been clear from the beginning that is Kyle hadn't done what he did he would have been dead, the definition of self defense. In fact, those 7-8 minutes the 17.5 year old, alone, under constant attack by a mob and actually lived through is incredible. Think about it:
1. Antifa/BLM decided to burn Kenosha to the ground.
2. Paid actors were rushed into the town.
3 The same game plan that Antifa/BLM used for a year was executed.
4. During the 2nd day a small group of Kenosha and nearby patriots decided to do something about it. For the first time go to Kenosha armed and stand by buildings and businesses.
5. Kenosha government was following the same game plan as Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, D.C. et al., which was to have their police not use force, just stand there and let their police officers get seriously injured, even killed.
6. A small group of patriots, maybe 10-20, went to do, what the corrupt psychopathic prosecutor said, do what the police and fire departments are supposed to do.
Nothing infuriated the mob more. They lit fires and as soon as they lit them God fearing patriots put the fires out. Who was stopping them? A small group, maybe 10, that Kyle was a part of. The organized paid scum of the earth focused entirely on those 10 (maybe less). They picked on of the 10 for assassination, the weakest (they thought). They saw Kyle's soul. He only wanted to make peace. He always backed down. So they picked him. He was the target. They stalked him. They maintained communications with each other to know where he was, got him separated from Balch, had his brother phone him and sent him into the set-up ambush at the 63rd business where Kyle was completely alone.
They made a mistake, a big mistake. That 17 year old kid went through 7 minutes of hell completely alone and came out of it alive. The paid brown shirts failed. In fact 2 of them were taken out. Now? It's up to the traitorous government to kill this kid and stop any defensive movement of citizens to protect themselves.
🚨🚨"Based on my analysis, the kick to the face"
slo mo "jumpkick man" & Gaige