Friday, November 19, 2021


there were a ton of non-specific brick reports all over the internet called in all day and there are no bricks. Coordinated reports of bricks? Why? ... No bricks in town. We're chatting. We think FBI trying to draw surrounding area 'rowdy boys' as we call them. NO. BRICKS.

People planning these events are:
-About to be indicted and captured
Yes I believe temperature is a factor but do not know that.

348293264 Kenosha is going to burn under an eclipsed moon, Faggot. State lines will be crossed by apes in search of new shoes.
No, there are not going to be any riots in Kenosha County. For any reason.

>>348302156 disappointing ... why not let then continue to fuck around and find out, now with legal precedent established?
Because it is very dangerous and frankly if we don't do it they'll come from all over again and it won't be pretty we suspect they'll come after us first before even stopping the riot/criminal element. They don't really mince words... friendly interactions like this really have made it clear. Any deputy on patrol has had what would be described as pleasant interactions reminding us of our duties. Multiple deputies have resigned over it. It's some sort of campaign we gather and reports have been written. 

>>348303422 So you're saying the police have been told if they fuck with the feral niggers tearing up the place they'll have the feds up their ass?
NO. We're told by friendly, smiling citizens in pick up trucks that we should 'run from our badges' if we stand down to rioters. "Don't forget about the fire trucks" one told me. They're all find gentlemen relaying these sentiments and are the same dudes on rooftops and gas stations down there..

>>348300336 Thanks for looking out for us. Don't want more riots if it can be helped. Godspeed.
It can be helped.
These riots were allowed.
Full stop.
These governments are criminal.
Pays the bills. Not what I signed up for. 

>>348301573 The riots werent allowed. They were orchestrated, aided, and abetted.
Not by me. Not by my coworkers I can swear to that. NOW the FBI that is another concern. There is a definite US vs THEM vibe with them.

>>348304785 Have you given thought about what you will do if civil war were to break out? I don't see any other way out of this mess. But will you continue to do your job? Or will you fucking stand up and fight for your children's future? The fight is now, anon, fuck the globalists.
We know why we are here. Frankly I and really I'd say everyone was way off guard as to how to deal with this, and also bad advice was being followed. We think we were being set up. Grateful for militia. Something very bad was being set up.
>>348304824 I agree with most of what you said, but there have been numerous postings of huge pallets of bricks arriving out of nowhere. Same shit happened at every large riot flashpoint last are also assuming that they don't want chaos just because a dem is in power. They needed to get rid of Trump but now they need to get rid of biden
There are no bricks. We are talking about this. Trying to get patriots to respond is my assessment.
>>348304882 ... Are you saying the long deliberation is a sham?
Yes. This is basically the one thing I've let out that I *know* despite other information.
>>348305058 If this is true, then the last two days of argument in Court over the video quality has simply been allowing Binger and Lunchbox to hang themselves?
I think that is why US Marshal.
>>348305150 look at me, rioters make the laws now...

Look I'm not gonna excuse. Was shameful. Citizens held the line that day and we interfered. No doubt. This is complex. We are coming. We are going. Most of all KCSD rank and file is comprised of americans we mean well and will disband before letting it slide again.

We are maintaining our position. This is our city, your city and we don't care if you're currently located 300 miles away. It's all our cities. We will hold the line.