Thursday, November 4, 2021

Brace for impact.

Rittenhouse was 17 years old when he was arrested for fatally shooting Rosenbaum and one other man, as well as injuring a third during unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The teen pleaded not guilty in January, claiming he acted in self-defense.

.........................Prosecutor is going after HIS OWN WITNESS now

the Good Dr. Rand:  a lone voice in a lawless wilderness. 

Fully Vaccinated Airline Passenger Dies Mid-Flight, Then Found to Be Infected with COVID 

These people are sick! 

>A humble Christian truck driver with no political experience has officially defeated New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney – one of the most powerful Democrats in New Jersey.

/pol/ - Supply chain disruptions unironically cost the democrats the election this year.

They need to go to China to have fake, 'secure' ballots printed that they can then deliver in the dead of night and flip any election. 5 MILLION ballots were ordered from China by the DNC in 2020, based off of stolen state print templates.

Right now there are cargo containers sitting off the California coast with several hundred thousand pre-voted, 'secure' ballots for NJ and VA that they were going to use last night that never showed up. Ballots that were supposed to be here in September are still floating out there!

You could see the confusion last night. They were executing a carefully-crafted play with the 'Fairfax will be reporting late with no ETA because they need to re-scan everything' as a delay tactic. Every 'schizo' here was spot-on. The media knew to run that story with the very real expectation that the election officials in Fairfax were going to analyze the gulf in the vote count, and "find" a corresponding number of China-printed 'mail-in' ballots to overcome that difference.

Unfortunately for them, those ballots never showed up. They are still in their cargo containers off the west coast. They had nothing to "find". They obviously struggled around that reality, looking for alternatives for a good hour or two. NJ even tried double-counting blue districts until they got caught. Finally, they told their media co-conspirators that they had nothing and have to call it a loss.

They won't make this mistake in 2022.

NEW JERSEY SET UP #2 Second video of a NJ voting machine that was rigged to not select Ciattarelli  

"I will be issuing an Executive Order barring any South Carolina cabinet agency from issuing or enforcing any vaccine mandate." - SC Governor Henry McMaster

meanwhile, in NEW YORK CITY 

Turley thinks Durham is moving up the food chain ...  Obama knew. Clinton knew. Biden knew. Comey knew. Brennan knew. McCabe knew. Strzok knew. Clapper knew. Rosenstein knew. FBI knew. DOJ knew. CIA knew. State knew. They all knew President Donald Trump was innocent but they smeared and spied on him. Worst scandal in our nation's history.

Prosecutor says Danchenko was set to self-surrender today but FBI arrested him after 'a press leak'. 

4 Years Later, NYT Says Steele Dossier ‘Turned Out to Be Democratic-Funded Opposition Research’