Monday, November 1, 2021

The Dragonfly & the Redeemer: Science reveals creation. Creation reveals the Creator.

The Dragonfly and the Redeemer
Science reveals creation, and creation reveals the Creator

... However, faith is the best context in which to understand science. The entire endeavor of science rests upon presuppositions that are beyond scientific explanation and verification and that scientists must accept on faith: that the world is real; that the world is intelligible; that truth is worth pursuing. For the atheist, no explanation is possible for these non-scientific presuppositions. For the Christian, the presuppositions make perfect sense because the universe is created through God’s divine Logos—his reason, intellect—and Wisdom. The world is intelligible because it is the work of the divine intellect.

Difficulties arise not between science and faith but between scientism and faith. Reason and faith can never be in conflict, because they have their common source in God. Scientism is the philosophical position that science alone is the way to the truth. Associated with it is the philosophical error in moving from a natural method that seeks to uncover only natural causes (and thus methodologically brackets off non-natural causes from consideration) to a metaphysics of naturalism that holds that all that exists is only natural and that there is nothing immaterial or divine.

photograph: Martin Amm