Saturday, July 8, 2023

YOU CAN'T KEEP A GOOD FARMER DOWN!! WEF EVIL SCHWAB, HARARI LOSING. GOD WINS 🚨 ,who those "journalists" really are! Kurt & Justin

> What does it mean for a government to collapse?

In states with multiple political parties it's possible for an election to not produce a majority party. In cases like these coalitions of parties often join together to form a majority. The majority governs. If the coalition of parties forming the majority suffers severe policy disagreements or a faction loses support the coalition may break up. If the ruling party coalition loses the majority they can no longer govern and the government is said to collapse.

woke government collapses under its own wokeness: The government in the Netherlands (farmer tractor protests) has FALLEN. This is a HUGE DEAL and would wage France will be next…  And it was not over "immigration issues" it was over trying to steal farmers land… How the MSM is trying to spin this is LAUGHABLE…look at Reuters…

BREAKING NEWS: THE HAGUE - The Rutte IV cabinet has fallen. The #WEF devotee & comrade of German Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum & his Government have collapsed.

O yeah,, the Netherlands,, REMEMBER HIM??!
The media is promoting QAnon with bashing a real story about child trafficking! New eyes on the Q drops? Hopefully Tim Ballard is to trust! (There are more good people than bad stuff) The timing of the movie & the media hysteria is a thing. And it reveals for some more, who those "journalists" really are! anon

Reminder. The entertainment industry is full of pedos.


Kurt Cobain knew about the pedos. He tried to tell people.