Friday, March 31, 2023

the Feast of St. Crispin: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

You violated The Contract with the People of The Republic.
/we/ are at Liberty to therefore say whatever /we/ wish.
You separated us from , and terminated our Country. /pol/

(The EUs arrogance and pride will be their downfall, if you think France’s protest are bad, just try to send soldiers & citizens to Ukraine!)

& the PetroDollar just got smaller .... FOLLOW THE BANKSTERS!

Brazil, Russia, India, China, & South Africa

Make no mistake, it's no coincidence that Donald Trump, Miles Guo and Steve Bannon are all indicted in NY CITY





meanwhile: in the Minnesota State Capitol earlier today 

DS operative Fat Lloyd Austin getting the boot ?

I'm guessing the stipulations for categorizing something as an "insurrection" will change today.

COVID Vaccines: 300,000 Excess Deaths, 6.6 Million Injured Americans in 2022

Chip Roy introduces game-changing medical freedom bill

“That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made
And crowns for convoy put into his purse:
We would not die in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.”

from the woman who said she never did it

<<<<Goldman>>>> Of course

This Trump indictment was expected, because it was part of the plan. He told us it would happen. Remember started the countdown for Anons. On March 16, we were at 14 days and counting down….to yesterday,


Military planning at its finest.

Comfy Anons are sitting back, enjoying the show, and looking forward to watching evidence being entered into court! /Qre/

It was just a coincidence


We are done.

the King Lizard & hiz GlobalShapers

Message of His Holiness Pope Francis to Prof. Klaus Schwab ...  I ask you to ensure that humanity is served by wealth and not ruled by it. Dear Mr Chairman and friends, I hope that you may see in these brief words a sign of my pastoral concern and a constructive contribution to help your activities to be ever more noble and fruitful. ....