Thursday, March 23, 2023

global democide: #NCSWIC WEF wants Cats & Dogs Killed!, shitty crisis actors, Brainwash, rinse, repeat

'If your child is addicted to any social media platform, it’s your fault. Giving your kid a tablet/phone to stare at all day is not “parenting”. I didn’t even have a smartphone until my late teens. Whenever I hear a parent go “My child is addicted to tiktok!” I want to ask them why they aren’t doing anything to prevent this. You know, as the parent.'  /pol/ 

'Parental Rights End When You Send Your Kids to Public School' attorney, Andrew Sanchez ...  yup.

GOVERNMENT CRIMES They paid doctors & nurses to murder innocent patients. They faked Covid cases & deaths to instill fear in the population. They denied safe early treatments murdering millions of innocent people. They forced ineffective toxic Covid vaccines on the world. They Censored anyone sharing life saving early treatment information & anyone who warned about the dangers of the Covd vaccines. The Governments willfully committed crimes against humanity

lizard ppl?

Not only did American taxpayers pay to develop the drug — not only did they make the guy who runs the company a billionaire — now you might be on the hook for bailing out Moderna if it's found to have stolen patented technology

Biden Admin 'fears peace'.

Tel Aviv / Haifa




AMERICA all the most powerful, oil rich nations are joining BRICS while the US suffocates under the weight of a bloated uniparty of soon to be indicted scumbags.

... looks like draft dodging's back on the menu boys

Ex-House ‘Russiagate’ investigator Kash Patel sues Politico over impeachment lies

 5D Chess pre-empted headline Strategy, Trump Genius, Braggs Freak out.

Brainwash, rinse, repeat

WEF calling for millions of cats & dogs worldwide to be killed in an attempt to reduce the "carbon footprint" that they produce as a result of eating meat.

Doug Mackey’s “meme trial.”

McConnell is down for the count 

As everyone fixates on possible Trump indictment, a massive scandal is rocking the Proud Boys seditious conspiracy trial. For 2nd time this month, Judge Kelly has suspended the jury trial amid evidence of FBI misconduct.

incapacitated mid flight

KARI LAKE / ARIZONA ..... &, they want to arrest Kari.