Friday, April 22, 2022

out into the open: The future is decentralized & locally sourced, #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar

Francis told La Nacion in an interview that he regretted that the plan had to be "suspended" because Vatican diplomats advised that such a meeting "could lend itself to much confusion at this moment." 

The response of Polish Catholics to the war was immediate, all-out & magnificently unbureaucratic. A vast chain of care was formed 

The arsenal of Ukrainian saboteurs who planned to undermine the Russian humanitarian convoy. They put 8 kg of plastic explosive in the front bumper of the car and had other explosives and weapons. 

Mariupol witness reports 

& our FkNg Government responds: Are we done with the red team/blue team illusion yet?

elsewhere, in America: "I'm hoping that with our presence, people can see that good people can have different perspectives, sometimes on the same mythology, but not mean any harm can't be tricked by the eternal looser & hiz minions " Lucien Greaves, the Satanic Temple spokesperson

"There is no conceivable way the Ukraine war could possibly trigger a world famine absent someone wanting one, someone who is, perhaps, the world bank itself. ... the BBC fails to question how a disruption in Ukraine could trigger famines when Ukraine only produces a fraction of the world's wheat and literally nothing else. Nothing of substance in corn, oats, rice, or other staples, not even lentils or beans, ONLY WHEAT. Yet we are all going to starve??!!?? That is PURE UNADULTERATED B.S." J.Stone 

6 Dangerous Ingredients That Still Haven't Been Banned in the U.S.


"Not Counted" as Vaccine Deaths - Over 50,000 Americans Aged 65 and Up Died Within the First Two Weeks

government officials manipulated covid data to manufacture “crisis”

"we have clinically tested the vaccine on billions of people WW."  BHO