Tuesday, April 19, 2022

DANGEROUS CIRCUS: the Battle for Donbass has begun. WHO Constitution, WTFUncleDonny, & to all ClimateActivists in twatter world

the Battle for Donbass has begun


Firefight in Zaporizhzhia oblast/province

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger: "The WHO Constitution would be THE global Constitution of the world... We didn't know how they would [implement a one-world government], but they are using health and all policies to create this global governance." 

SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 22 ... about the use of Remdesivir @ 6:09

" ... & if we're not going to be any better than the Chinese ..."  


& then: Amy Coney Barrett & Kavanaugh Sided With Left-Wing Justices

high-profile Democrat donor Ed Buck sentenced to 30 years in prison for 2 methamphetamine fetish deaths of 2 black men. “But former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama remained quiet on the subject in January — and their spokespeople on Wednesday didn’t respond to Fox News’ request for comment on what they would do with their donations from Buck.”

"Feels like some kind of panic ceiling, has been broken through, & its accelerating." anon 

The Pedos are scared.

but hey ... it's Drag Queen Story Hour

meanwhile & regardless of WTF Uncle Donny:  Maricopa, AZ Verified With Evidence: Trump 59.4%, Biden 41.17%

vaccinated blood is contaminated. ..... & this: public health officials cannot be trusted with public health decisions

more meanwhile: before mass uncontrolled immigration, Sweden is now the continent’s second most dangerous in terms of gun crime behind only Croatia.

the Groomer Agenda & the Alphabet People: of Greenwich wealth & Swiss boarding schools ........ pro-groomer & funded by Bezos.

Alex Jones’ Statement on Bankruptcy Filing 

The People's Convoy Day 55 (Sacramento Rally)

because i am mad from all the #Gaslighting by the so called Jewish state.