Tuesday, July 26, 2022

PRAYERS UP: Amos Miller - Miller’s Organic Farm UPDATE


Despite 0 Complaints, Amish Farmer Fined $250K, Facing Jail, & Shut Down for Humanely Raising Animals  Matt Agorist - July 25, 2022

Help Amos Miller Save Our Traditional Foods

July 19, 2022 by Amos Miller - Anke M., Organizer / From our July 2022 Newsletter

Dear Members,

Farmer, Amos, here - Greetings of love sent to you in the name of Jesus Christ, who give us "Everlasting Life if we Trust and believe in Him".

Summer has come upon us with a few warm days but overall we had cool nights, which helps to keep the animals comfortable and thriving. There is still plenty of grass available for the cows, etc. We have been blessed with a nice amount of rain keeping the pastures and vegetables thriving. Yes, this is the time of year that we stock up for the winter months, such as fermented vegetable, cheese, butter, etc.

We would also like to be stocking our freezer shelves with pork, beef, chicken, turkey, etc., but the USDA is absolutely not allowing us to do that. The sad situation here is the head of law enforcement agency has acknowledged *on record* that he is not that familiar with the constitution and he has the judge on his side. To my knowledge, the judge announced that the constitution doesn’t apply in our situation.

So that is what we are dealing with at the farm.

That attitude could put our country in a desperate position and a lot of that is political based. We have hundreds of families in our area that would love to be farmers and produce wholesome foods, but the attitude that these investigators, judges, etc. have is hindering those important things from happening.

To my knowledge we have many biblical standings, including constitutional privileges to be farmers but with corporate America running the show, which the USDA is a part of, is putting our country under desperate needs.

Let us pray for these judges, investigators, law enforcement agencies, etc. that God would soften their hearts and let farmers be true farmers, and that they would not dwell on their big paychecks, retirements, etc. that they get if they continue their compliance actions as they have been.

The USDA, to my knowledge, has never received any complaints from our members regrading our foods. Rather, they have been reminded over and over again how important our nutrient-dense foods are to their own overall health. And, how dependent they are on our services to feed their families.

Regarding our legal matter before the federal court, both appeals have been filed. They have been docketed with the Third Circuit Court of Federal Appeals, and we are in the process of drafting our briefs for submission.

This process takes time and we may learn nothing definitive for several months. In the meantime, we will continue to supply our members with water buffalo, rabbit, and seafood products.

Also, the rest of our meat inventory, which we still have a fair amount of chicken and turkey meats, is still available. Pork and beef is almost gone.

The USDA is not allowing us to slaughter beef, pork or poultry at this time, which is quite sad because we have the facility and staff available ready to go to work.

Please continue to pray with us for God’s direction in all of these matters and most of all, for our cheerful acceptance of His good, perfect and acceptable Will.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support. Without YOU we would not be farming today. So thank you from all of us here at the farm.