Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The United States is in SERIOUS trouble: 2 PATHS, fk you Nadler you Traitor, & a 'Cannibal CME'

Dr. Zelenko; 2 paths; Who Will You Follow?


LIVE: House Judiciary oversight hearing for the FBI cyber division

The United States is in SERIOUS trouble: 'Shit son, I cant wait to see FBI fumble fuck their way through where aunt Nancy's laptop is and what's on the hard drive.' anon ... &,, the hard drive of Hunter Biden’s laptop has been successfully entered into the Congressional Record.

& THEN: Trump calls on Putin to release info on Hunter Biden’s dealings with oligarchs 

& then: Russia Accuses American President's Son ✓ Hunter Biden of Bankrolling Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine ... "& simply spit them out like a midge that accidentally flew into their mouths." PUTIN 

My dear friends in America, This is a special moment in history as I address you directly for the first time. As the President of the Russian Federation, I felt the need to express my views to you directly without the filter of media or governmental organizations who obscure the fact our two nations have existed peacefully for centuries. In fact, we were allies through not one but two world wars. We have cooperated, culturally and scientifically for years, including most recently, on the international space station. Russian rockets have taken Americans into space and American ships have delivered much needed medical and humanitarian aid to us in our times of need There is NO REASON for our two great nations to be adversaries. Unfortunately, there are powers that be who do not want such peaceful coexistence. Your current president represents them. He has steadfastly upped tension against Russia through direct personal attacks on me, calling me a killer', a 'thug' and a 'butcher', and has instituted punishing diplomatic, economic and political sanctions on the Russian people. These sanctions have not only cost us but have cost you the American people. You need not look beyond your local gas pump, grocery store or rent payments to realize something is terribly wrong, and you need not look back more than a year ago to realize you have been tricked into accepting an election result which has put an ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT into power. President Biden is NOT and has NEVER been your TRUE representative. Just ask yourselves. Would anyone who cared about Americans do the things he's done? The answer is clearly 'NO'. He oversaw the disastrous Afghan evacuation causing the death of 13 brave American servicemembers and stranding billions of dollars of military gear; he has sabotaged America's energy industry by cancelling the Keystone pipeline; he has passed punishing corporate taxes which have hobbled American companies; he has singlehandedly warped America's moral values by calling men women and women men; he has robbed every citizen of their hard-earned money by unleashing. a devastating wave of inflation and now he is dragging the United States and NATO by extension into a disastrous military confrontation with us over Ukraine where the United States has no vested interests. He is adamant in stoking the Ukrainian crisis into a direct military confrontation with Russian forces which by all analysis could lead to WW3. Please hear my words today. Take action today; rise up and say 'NO' to war; say 'NO' to President Biden. Rise up by the thousands and tens of thousands and say 'YES' to peace I salute you and bid you peace and happiness: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation.

Hunter Biden allegedly sent “thousands of dollars” to people who appear to be involved in the sex industry, according to Wednesday’s report released by Senate Republicans. 

meanwhile: Potato signed the AntiLynching Act.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, thinks that the edible biological chip that has been FDA approved to ensure compliance is fascinating, and needs to be invested in.

Sen. Grassley Unveils Explosive New Docs That 'Undeniably' Show Strong Links Between Biden Family and Communist China.

COVID-19 Vaccine Massacre 

Military Doctor Testifies in Court: High-Level Command Ordered Her Silence Over Frightening Vaccine Data

G3 GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH: NOAA forecasters have raised the level of an ongoing geomagnetic storm watch to category G3. This would be a strong storm starting during the early hours of March 31st when a 'Cannibal CME' is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field.  

LIVE: Anti-Trudeau Rally in Vancouver