Friday, March 18, 2022



Unfortunately, the fight is not over. Levi and Marissa only have Cyrus with them because they agreed to a measure of state oversight and intrusion. Meaning, CPS has to go with them to all appointments and have unlimited access to “pop in” on Levi and Marissa unannounced and all that. If they decide they don’t like any little thing, they can kidnap him again. But the most important thing is that Cyrus is with Marissa and Levi NOW. His health and wellbeing depend on it!

The adjudicatory hearing is on April 8th, and if we don’t continue this fight non-stop through then, it is still possible for the state to take him away again! 🥺

However, for now, we just want to celebrate the blessing of having Baby Cyrus back with his parents. Only through Jesus Christ and his mercy and by your constant, unceasing prayers and support, have we been able to witness this miracle!