Wednesday, August 4, 2021

THE WAY FORWARD: #StopTheShot ,Canadian Court Victory Proves Cv-19 A Hoax, All Restrictions Dropped, Meanwhile.. Huntington Beach!!

‘Stop the Shot… The Rest of the Story’ Conference on August 4

In Alberta, Canada, Patrick King issued a subpoena to the Provincial Health Minister for proof that the so-called Covid-19 Virus exists, and they were forced to admit on record that they had no evidence whatsoever.

Patriot Patrick King represented himself in court after being fined $1200 dollars for protesting against the Covid-Hoax, he slew the beast and emerged VICTORIOUS. He issued a subpoena to the Provincial Health Minister for proof that the so-called Covid-19 Virus exists, and they were forced to admit that they had no evidence whatsoever. The virus has never been isolated, and thus the government had no legal grounds to impose any of the punishing restrictions they have inflicted on society. Since this shocking confession came to light, the Province has since rescinded all Covid-Restrictions and now officially treats Covid-19 as nothing more than a mild flu! WE WON

Yesterday's Pentagon Event 

Meanwhile.. Huntington Beach..