Saturday, August 28, 2021

The storm is upon us

Marine Battalion Commander Fired For Blasting Senior Military Leaders For Failures in Afghanistan that Resulted in 13 US Servicemen Dying “America has many issues… but it’s my home… it’s where my three sons will become men. America is still the light shining in a fog of chaos. When my Marine Corps career comes to an end, I look forward to a new beginning.” Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Schelle

BOMBSHELL UK data destroys entire premise for vaccine push  

EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.  Cook County (((judge))) strips mother of parental rights over vaccination status

This young man was "dragged out" from @UTChattanooga for not wearing a mask.

Australia: "Covid Fugitive" Also Known As Man With A Cold Arrested 

She’s a bull dike lesbian. Other than a verbal warning, she won’t receive punishment in the woke army. Aliel The Heretic
infighting between pentagon and bbc

▶ 8kAnon 08/28/21 (Sat) 03:35:25 No.14477502

What if Flynn phone call didn’t expose Russia , but it exposed Israel? (See article) READ THIS - see if you can see what’s so obvious.

What if mueller was investigating (them) the entire time bc FISA goes both ways (3 jumps) and Flynn, Trump, Ivanka, And Kushner were the connections to Israel, Epstein (Mossad), Clintons, Rothschilds? Not because they were guilty but because they were innocent ….

What if this entire thing was one giant sting operation.

What if when Q said in April 2018 it wasn’t supposed to be known that DJT wasn’t under investigation by Mueller…not yet (almost a whole year after the special counsel started) was because they were investigating (((them))) the entire time?

What if mueller tied up all of Clinton’s and Israel’s lawyers in mueller probe so they were forced to recuse themselves from anything to protect Clintons and israel. And sessions was the precedence and protection of such

Trump was the connection to all of them. He rubbed elbows with all of them. Jump jump jump. FISA goes both ways.

Durham started when? 10/28/17. Was he helping Mueller? Was he adding to or using Muellers findings to tie them all up?

Was trump ever found guilty after 2.5 years ?

Did they not use every facet of Trump’s life? All his donations to democrats , Deutsche bank accounts (they were money laundering through Virgin Islands - Epstein) , China business deals , israel connections, Clinton connections, Epstein connections etc etc etc to investigate (THEM) under the guise of investigating Trump?

Who was actually arrested ? Epstein? Ghislaine ? So…..mossad connections ? Blackmail ??? Connects to everyone else they had blackmail on?

Who runs israel ? Rothschilds ?

Connect the dots.

What if being done “by the book” meant an actual specific book. Like say the Law of War manual.

DOD Law of WAR ( page 769 - )

11.3 - End of Belligerent Occupation AND Duration of GC Obligations

What if 11.3 already happened and we didn’t even know it?

What if Washington DC was a sovereign city state - one of three in the world - with its own government, its own constitution, its own everything , entirely separate (yet appears to be the same) from the country it resides in

>City of London

>Vatican City

>Washington DC

What if, because of the Act of 1871, Washington DC was owned and controlled by foreign interests/groups?

What if when Trump was inaugurated he surrounded himself with military and when he took office he filled his cabinet with Military Generals for a very specific reason?

What if because Trump was occupying the WH and Washington DC with  US military on “foreign soil” it was known as BELLIGERENT OCCUPATION?


What if COG and Devolution were set up as multiple LEGAL ways to continue to control what’s going on through our MILITARY (only way) while Biden plays Resident to wake up the liberals and give Durham the rest of the time he needs to finish?

What if the Geneva Convention obligations of a peaceful transition has a 1 year timeline from the end of Belligerent Occupation?

What if Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming because it’s ALREADY HABBENING and we are just playing it out in a slow drip for PUBLIC AWAKENING?

What if In the end, we will be 'shocked' to learn what we’ve 'essentially' witnessed?

What makes a movie GOOD?


>>>>What if we all just witnessed Trump lead a military coup with military Generals for the last 4 years and didn’t even know it.

Art of War

Appear weak when you are strong.

-Sun Tzu