Friday, August 18, 2023

8 8 Lion'sGate: Lahaina Sacrifice, 🇺🇸🔥🔥夏威夷毛伊岛。水很深 DEW袭击造成的火灾足以熔化金属的火。

for those who haven't figured it out it's all 'just conspiracy' ... for those full engaged in the Battle of All Battles this is beyond evil

The (((Mayor))) of Lahaina is evicting people who's houses didn't get burned down & those who still have houses, forcing them to move to somewhere else before September 31st. So they can build a "Command Center"

Fema is turning away Insulin & supplies!!!

from 1995: starving the world into submission for their New World Order - Agenda 2030

meanwhile: West Kelowna, British Columbia ..... Island of Rhodes in Greece