Friday, June 9, 2023

Numquam Concedere: War isn't fast food. EMBRACE THE SUCK

There is a process to undo what has been done for however many hundreds of years. War isn't fast food. I have friends that voted biden & think he really won. We are nowhere NEAR waking everybody up & when we tell them they think we are crazy. We have the enemy playbook. We let them unleash it & give us all they've got & meanwhile people keep waking up because they are becoming increasingly uncomfortable, & we keep countering their attacks because we can see them ahead of time. You understand we have to collapse their banking system, right? I mean we have to break free from it or we will NEVER be free. 

There is a process to the way things have to unfold. I mean, unless of course you have a better solution, in which case you should execute it & I wish you luck. If you had a better solution, you'd prolly b Trump's adviser. Q told us all of this had to go down this way. We let them give us all they've got & we remain standing & then they have nothing left with all the rest of the population wide awake. 

Now they have nowhere to run. Everyone knows who they are & once we are all rowing in the same direction begging for the military to move in, then we will go into limited martial law. So careful what u ask for. There is a process & we were told not all would be clean. War is dirty. If you think u can stop the enemy, then by all means, go for it. You have to understand the process & understand that things can be rebuilt but not if we aren't free. It's either us or them & the enemy is not trying to feather our nest.

Who asked Trump to run? You don't think we have to wake up our guise in the military? You think they all go in Anons like us? Nope.

It's not called coping, it's called embracing the suck. It's what winners do.


"What are (((they))) so afraid of. let him run for office & if he losses...."

Byron Donalds repeated himself just to make sure you heard this part

"I've carefully reviewed the indictment of Trump by his political opponents at the Biden Justice Department. (. @JudicialWatch has nearly 30 years of experience litigating federal & presidential records issues, including the famous "Clinton sock drawer" case.) The document dishonestly ignores the U.S. Constitution, the Presidential Records Act, legal precedent, & the DOJ's/Archives' previous position that WH records a president takes with him when he leaves the White House are presumptively personal & not subject to review by partisan Biden appointees at DOJ or Archives. Under the Constitution, federal law & precedent, none of the documents are currently "classified" or "national defense information" that restricts Trump's handing of them. They are ALL his personal records &, frankly, should be returned to him. If justice prevails, this indictment won't survive scrutiny by honest, constitutionalist judges & will be thrown out. #ProsecutorialMisconduct" Tom Fitton @JudicialWatch