Thursday, April 13, 2023


PHUQ AI: ‘drawslaves’ & ‘paint pigs’

it's going to get very rough from here


Live now outside Trump Tower NYC

every. single. time.

Anna Paulina Luna Showcases Shocking Photos Of Born-Alive Babies During Hearing

The Full Surveillance Power of the U.S. Govt Could Not Find the Classified Intel Leaker, But the Media Did…  

acting proxy president Joe Biden has been forced to issue a public statement ordering the closure of these camps. 

Here's Naomi Biden (lookalike at the very least) from Telegram, saying her Grandfather died & the family wanted power after working for it, for so long; so went along with a substitute; Says it's his "brother" His twin, that no one knew he had? could "clone" = twin. She figures "cat out of the bag" anyway, & everyone knows. So just make a "hang-out" & at least appear half - honest to salvage the fam name?  ▶ /Qre/Anon 04/13/23 14:03:00 No.18688164

CHINA Checks in on Loli Dali

Government Documents on Seized Assets of Anti-CCP Dissident Guo Wengui/Miles Guo Implodes Their Own Case Against Him

JAPAN & the NORKs 

Macron's Marie Antoinette moment approaching

The Russian Parliament investigation into the activities of US biolaboratories in Ukraine claims that at least 4000 Ukrainians were used as guinea pigs for US bioweapons experiments

NATO needs put down like the raping dogs they are before they start WW III.