Tuesday, November 15, 2022

commence the great remembering: 9pmEST, "... & w/that, my freinds, a Star was born."

GOP Takes the House

IT BEGINS: TEXAS MOBILIZING TO SEND THEM BACK BY FORCE  SEC. 4. The governor shall have power to call forth the militia to execute the laws of the State, to suppress insurrections, and to repel invasions.

Foreign-owned Farms in the Southwest Taking Precious Water to Feed Overseas Livestock

Nevada Supreme Court greenlights hand-count, despite objections  Nye County, NV, resumed its hand counting process last week Published November 15, 2022 9:53am EST The Nevada Supreme Court denied an emergency writ from two voting rights groups on Monday that sought to shut down a controversial hand count of all paper ballots in rural Nye County, meaning that the county clerk can continue the hand counting of ballots that have been counted by machine tabulators. 





the scale of theft from the green energy scam: making the FTX scandal look like child’s play.

FTX: Groomed & set up by the SEC to monopolize the crypto market

one of the darkest details of the entire FTX situation.

ChinaMitch & the UniParty