Thursday, August 11, 2022

Festival of the Big Mad shall Continue Unabated: TRUMP@ DAVOS!! πŸ’£ #GenderAffirmingHysterectomies

They all lie, they have lied forever, Garland, Wray, Barr, Comey etc

>They are lying their asses off

Smell the sweet sweet savor of the FBi & DOJ corruption laid bare for all the World to see

Take this course to help slow the spread of harmful misinformation online & protect your friends & family too. ........... The ban lists will be glorious

meanwhile: CNN’s actually brain-dead Cupp - Americans Not Upset About Mar-a-Lago Raid

'Many a Truth is said in Jest!'

Investigative journalist banned from twitter for exposing motive for the FBI raid ............ & THEN...
'are there no Constitutional Sheriffs in Mar-a-Largo, as they have the Constitutional power to kick out the FBI. FBI is not a Constitutional entity, it is a private enterprise just like Walmart and Amazon. A Constitutional Sheriff has the authority to kick the federal entity out. He can even bring a militia to apply the muscle, if needed.' Plankton/ZH
'weaponization of a law enforcement organization that’s supposed to be the servant of the people is a grave crime against his country. it does significant & irreparable damage to public trust in entities that are supposed to protect us. nothing short of the complete liquidation & dissolution of the FBI is the only appropriate response. every single agent participating in this venture or not whistleblowing right now is an accessory to this deep state treason.' Blasphemer Extraordinaire

▶Anonymous 08/11/22 (Thu) 01:10:17 No.17348075

Anon opine

Q+ is describing to 'them' in code how he successfully coordinated with patriots within the DOJ and FBI to legally enter information into court. The FBI were GIVEN THE KEYS, LOL.

The cover story, which is ALSO CORRECT, Anon is NOT going to take it for granted, is that the FBI contain(ed) massive corruption, under Comey/McCabe era, and was used to target political opponents. That's also true even if this was a patriot psyop.

The fake news, according to Kash as guest with Charlie Kirk, "took the bait".

Stephen Miller, when he was guest on a show recently, he's a funny guy, I like his demeanor, he had a deadpan sort of outrage, as if he couldn't contain the haha ridiculousness of it all.

Lindsay Graham was so non-outraged on Jesse Waters that Jesse was like WTF? lol

It's like they're all giggling on the inside but they need to play the role of "being outraged" to trick the fake news into taking the bait, which they all did the morons, kek, AND to ensure the public doesn't lose sight of just how corrupt the FBI was under Obama and Trump while he was POTUS.

POTUS has the constitutional authority to keep as much classified information as he wants, in his home. Obama has classified information in his home, so does Bush.

I don't know, this seems like it was a psyop within a psyop. Plans within plans.

Oversight GOP Launches NARA Probe Over FBI Mar-a-Lago Raid

The Witch Hunt

Harari's mass extermination of human beings

added bonus:  Florida judge who approved FBI warrant for raid on Mar-a-Lago was assigned to Trump lawsuit against Clintons ........ & more IRONY

“This case will determine if Big Pharma can rip off the American people using a dangerous drug that harms millions without any legal remedy because they claim the government was in on the scam.”

Nan & Brandon

Terminal List: Strident Pointless Hollywood Activism 101


Fox News: "This Vaccine Is the Most Dangerous Vaccine Ever Created"

Meta's new AI chatbot BlenderBot 3 calls Mark Zuckerberg 'creepy & manipulative' & says his business practices are 'not always ethical'


Boston Children’s Hospital now offering “gender affirming hysterectomies” for young girls

The Anti-Mary Exposed: Rescuing the Culture from Toxic Femininity