Sunday, August 28, 2022

FBI is in checkmate: by law by order & by regulations of the military & the Constitution.


▶Anonymous 08/28/22 (Sun) 04:51:37 No.17453185 

Fullsized image

Any source that accuses an abject other source of withholding intelligence information from the accuser, cannot be consistent when the accusation itself withholds intelligence information from the accused.

The FBI/DOJ is currently implementing an inconsistent logic, it is presenting itself as invoking a dialectic that it is BOTH correct, good, right, justified, is what it is, to withhold intelligence source information, AND that is incorrect, bad, wrong, unjustified, shouldn't be what is, to withhold intelligence source information.

Dialectic logic practitioners are right now in a checkmate.

They are outputting that what they themselves are doing, as to why the accused should be prosecuted, is the very structure they themselves are invoking.

A source accusing an abject other of withholding information, could ONLY logically do so by being 100% transparent of the intelligence methods to arrive at such an accusation.

It makes no systems sense to encode a logic that says it is BOTH correct AND incorrect for one source of intelligence to withhold intelligence from another source of intelligence.

Biden DOJ/FBI are in a self-imposed informational checkmate.

Their own logic of what the abject other is allegedly guilty of, is precisely what they are doing themselves in that very accusation.

If there is anything other than 100% unredacted transparency from within the accusing DOJ, then it cannot logically assert itself as the authority OVER information that it is itself negating.

▶Anonymous 08/28/22 (Sun) 05:16:34  No.17453230

Do you think this is where they thought they'd be this time post raid?

Trump shitposting & baiting.?

Orange man bad was suppose to be in matching orange attire by meow

Instead they are scrambling to find outs for themselves.

▶Anonymous 08/28/22 (Sun) 05:25:48 No.17453241



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The FBI is in a checkmate.

They are advancing a 'complete' logic contained in a finite set of information that is behind information intelligence firewall while at the same time accusing POTUS of retaining intelligence information behind an information firewall that the FBI asserted needed to be raided using an affidavit as source that is itself withholding intelligence information behind an information firewall.

If it is just to raid Mar A Lago for intelligence information withheld, then such a declaration if consistent must output 100% transparency in ITS intelligence information.

But the FBI is negating the content of its own accusation against POTUS.

World meme'd the NWO into checkmating themselves by maneuvering them into 'POTUS is guilty of intelligence information firewall and our proof is sourced by the very same behavior that allegedly indicates POTUS' guilt'

This is informational checkmate against the dialectic logic of "we will source informational opposites and both are true".

33 IS GO

the most monumental historical covert operation to date & Donald Trump is your President by law by order & by regulations of the military & the Constitution.


Central American trafficker revealed what United States' open border policy allows Mexican drug cartels to do to unaccompanied/kidnapped children.

Bonus points for the Moderna logo framing the video

it's only just begun

The Old Grey Hag Pontificates

filed under Stay-TF-Home: The Big Glowie Trap

July 31, 2007 - UKRAINE ........... March 31, 2019 - UKRAINE


▶Anonymous 08/28/22 (Sun) 15:34:38  No.17455771

> Only way to stop the vax was promoting the vax

if they hadn't come out with a vaccine

and HCQ was banned

along with all other treatments

they would have totally locked down the country

closed all small businesses

kept the populations of the world locked up

in their own houses

left us to the TV for instructions and permissions

and we'd be living in a real communist hell

for 8 years until they found a vaccine

Trump trumped them

we just had to do our homework

and if you were paying attention

you wouldn't have trusted those bastards for a minute

Chyna virus was AN ATTACK ON THE WORLD

and where did it all begin

but in Fauci's laboratories

at least it is looking exactly like that

got to pay attention to this stuff

there were warnings to beware

and they cut Trump off from every option