Friday, August 26, 2022

Calm before the storm

▶ Anonymous 08/26/22(Fri)18:11:07 No.392681731

>>392680956 Even my Democrat family members were raising eyebrows at that. It's a really strange move to make and I'm suspecting they had two different stories(poison shots and you need the old shots for the new shots) ready to go, but they were only supposed to release one but there was a mix up and they pushed both out by accident.

I suspect the usual top-down communication has broken down with the departure of Fauci and all those CDC+NIH staff. Rats are fleeing this sinking ship and fast, as we speak, look into it.

  •   Some great articles on the defections.

One of these people is going to testify against all the others, and that'll turn the snowball already rolling down this hill into an all-destroying avalanche. Calm before the storm, etc.

And just to put it in print, because every thread on this subject needs it:  Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli committed a genocide using a bio-weapon of their own creation. The death toll of this genocide is anywhere from... - 23 million, to... - possibly 12 million more. Or maybe double that, if the 40% all-cause mortality spike reported in 2021 holds globally. And the amount of overlap with the first number is unknown, and likely will never be known. Tens of millions, certainly. Somewhere between 20 and 40 million most likely. And it's not over.

But justice is coming.