Monday, December 20, 2021

KOREA VERITAS self-assembling self-aware things, Congress Covid$ Laundering, GEOTUS EMERGES!

meanwhile, in the land of the great protest: Lutheran church offers drag queen prayer time to children 

No.15212856 assembly Bill A416

BHO amended the EO and changed it to the paragraph marked in red.

I want to point out the linguistic gymnastics contained in these EO's

Original is about DISEASES

Bush amended it to add flu virus if it is "novel"

Biden amended it to APPEAR to add Measles but what he really did was encompass all of the others into his. His being the latest means it is the one in effect. BHO's should have knocked out Bushes addition to the flu because his stated it did not cover the flu

I want to point out the linguistic gymnastics

This was about DISEASES until Bush slipped in a "novel" flu

Viruses are not Diseases!

The hand off to BHO allows him to confuse it by adding the language of "potential to cause, a pandemic"

Ender Biden to wrap it all up together reinvigorating the Bush amendment that would have been replaced by BHO's saying it doesn't include flu.

And now we have the Novel Corona Virus reemerging with new variants and causing a pandemic.

Corona is the common cold. This folks is how they made the common cold virus strip you of your life liberty and pursuit of happiness


(65)  No.15218879 CONNECT THE DOTS:

Current Headlines:

🔷 No live audience, limited cast and crew for tonight's 'SNL'

🔷 New York state sets another daily case record

🔷 Pres. Biden to announce 'next steps' in COVID-19 response on Tuesday

Now…read this 👇 (They're prepping the battlefield to arrest the Unvaxxed)

New York Legislation Provides for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor's Whim.

On January 5th, 2022, the New York Senate and Assembly will vote on a bill that would, if passed into law, grant permissions to remove and detain cases, contacts,…

The National Pulse.

IN ISRAEL, .....  DENMARK ..... BELGIUM ..... AUSTRIA ..... meanwhile, in The Holy Land


First hand info on comet pizza, tunnels, pedo, and more.

Language warning here. First hand info on comet pizza, tunnels, pedo, and more.

ABSOLUTE PANIC: Pennsylvania Democrat Secretary of State Sues to Prevent State Senate Audit from Examining Dominion Voting Machines

the bastards @ Amazon

& THIS!! story's not important ... it's what (((they))) slipped in: "Baver is listed as a producer on No Man of God, a crime drama that chronicles serial killer Ted Bundy's (Luke Kirby) complex relationship with FBI agent Bill Hagmaier (Wood). The film, the latest in a string of coronavirus-era true crime offerings, was produced by Wood's production company SpectreVision."