Thursday, August 12, 2021

Thursday Cyber Symposium Under Siege: Colour Revolution Insurrection & Infiltration, TEXAS FORENSIC AUDIT INCOMING, FAUCI's MYTHs in REAL TIME

💥💥💥 Mike Lindell Opens Thursday Cyber Symposium with SHOCKING Developments 

"The implementation of the Insurrection Act began after the raid on the Capitol, on January 6, 2021, and was marked by Trump’s broadcast to the people to disband and return home. This broadcast wound up being blocked, for the most part, by the media. Nevertheless, his address fulfilled the requirements to initiate the Act." 8Kanon

Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium - Seth Keshel "Behind The Election Integrity Curtain" 

Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium - Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai "Government With Big Tech Destroys Free Speech"

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell physically assaulted following the close of day two of his cyber symposium in Sioux Falls, S.D. 

SCHUMMAN ALERT Schumman is going OFF…this is the second highest this anon has seen it since 11.11.18…  Normally around 7Hz and this is showing spikes around 10,000Hz…when it goes off usually not over 200-300Hz…so this isUNUSUAL

The Arizona Audit wins again in court 4/4. The appeals court agreed that certain information from the audit is privileged information for the auditors and senate alone. But you won't hear this on MSDNC 

TEXAS AUDIT!!!  THE DOMINOES ARE STARTING TO FALL: Following 15-hour filibuster, Texas Senate Passes Bill in Favor of Forensic Audit The attempt came one day after Dade Phelan, the Republican Speaker of the Texas House authorized arrest warrants for the 52 Democrats who have failed to show up for the second special session this summer of the Texas legislature, thereby denying the chamber a quorum.

meanwhile, IN CANADA

Pentagon Reveals How Military Service Members Can Get Religious Exemption to Mandatory Vaccines

 A Letter to the Unvaccinated 

OCLA researcher Dr. Denis Rancourt and several fellow Canadian academics penned an open letter tosupport those who have decided not to accept the COVID-19 vaccine.

The group emphasizes the voluntary nature of this medical treatment as well as the need for informedconsent and individual risk-benefit assessment. They reject the pressure exerted by public health officials, thenews and social media, and fellow citizens.

Control over our bodily integrity may well be the ultimate frontier of the fight to protect civil liberties.

O those foolish Myths: Biden’s Cringe TikTok Influencers

💥💥💥 DR. FAUCI's MYTHs in REAL TIME !! 

meanwhile: Tyson Employees Walk Off Job To Protest Vaccine Mandate