Saturday, May 29, 2021

the Insurrection Act: 2nd Nuremberg Tribunal for Crimes Against Humanity, JAB ONLY .84% "EFFECTIVE" so WHAT IS IT ACTUALLY FOR?

the Insurrection Act: Our military is bound by the constitution 

nothing can stop what's coming

COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness—the elephant (not) in the room: GIVEN THE FACT THAT THE JAB DOES NOT FIGHT COVID, WHAT IS IT ACTUALLY FOR? "All roads and plans of the technocratic elites lead to transhumanism and mankind as God. CS Lewis warned of this in That Hideous Strength. Methinks Lewis, as an Oxford don, was invited into a fledgling, quasi-Frankfurt School cabal, saw what it was about, and warned others about the "fictional" National Institute of Coordinated Experiments that was led by corrupt atheistic scientists who were really just puppets of the evil entities in a large spiritual war."  archive-anon

"This is what it looks like for the vax when everyone knows everyone and nothing can be hidden.  Keep in mind that these villagers have no internet or computing devices or telelvision because they are too poor, and they behaved like this 100 percent from seeing what the vax did to people in their village that had already been vaccinated." JSFJ

another one bites the dust

Currently being deployed against Embassies the world over. 

Legal Team Wants ‘Second Nuremberg Tribunal’ to Try Global Lockdown Promoters for Crimes Against Humanity  

Video: Andy Ngo Covering Behind A Desk After Getting Caught Trying To Infiltrate Antifa In Portland Last Night

& in THE UK