Wednesday, February 22, 2023

feeding the inferno: the Gasps of dying lizards

The Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires


The Gasps of a dying lizard

"the Judeo-Masonic killing of the king." 

Doctor kicked out of hospital board meeting for testifying effectiveness of Ivermectin


Palestine Dioxin Poisoning  .....  but don't worry cause this guy says it's OK

Hazardous waste expert: Ohio town was 'nuked'  'I'm not an American but I'm terrified of just how little your government cares for the citizens who didn't vote for it.'  nsr 

a money laundering scheme, used to make children insane & afraid of everything

this ..... & then: H.R.79 - WHO Withdrawal Act 


BlackRock & Vanguard Taking Over US Centralized Food Production to Control Food Supply

On today’s episode of “Trump is finished”: This just feeds the inferno. Nobody channels this stuff & turns it into momentum like the Donald.


" ... the 1st sitting American president to come from Kenya" ..... any ??s ..... & THIS.

AUGUST 2005: N E W N U N N - L U G A R  B I O L O G I C A L  A G R E E M E N T signed in UKRAINE