Wednesday, February 15, 2023

7 day watch: Shields up!! 💣💥attn. OHIO - DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING!





Anonymous (ID: nygfdI5R) 02/15/23(Wed)16:05:34 No.416291417▶ They did the burn at the worst possible weather conditions and that pic is what happens when there is a standing low pressure center with zero wind. Smoke just stops rising and mixing and forms layers according to its density.

absolutely ZERO coverage in the American mainstream media about the Ohio chemical train derailment.

Why are (((they))) (((redefining))) Vinyl Chloride?

At the press conference, DeWine did not comment on the legal authority he, Shapiro, and the collaborating agencies acted under when ordering the controlled release.


Wind turbines are malfunctioning, collapsing in US & Europe.

UKRAINE: Musk cut off the Ukranians from Starlink after the video proof of chemical attacks


The smallest single blade of grass is immensely more complex and flawless that the world's most well engineered machine and yet when you walk through the field you do not side step to avoid its grandre because it is quietly serving its purpose given to it by its master and creator. You live in a world so saturated by divinity that it's harmony can only truly be seen when it's taken away. 
God is good