Wednesday, October 19, 2022

the past started 2 hours ago: ONLY JESUS CAN SAVE US

The 5 levels of spiritual combat 

your most important mission ~ to defeat the evil one through the power of the Most Holy Rosary, the greatest weapon of all mankind

demonic invasions into our homes

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FENTANYL disguised as Nerds & Skittles Found in Connecticut

& the Top NIH Director had NO IDEA!!! Dr Erbelding said she ‘wished’ the scientists had informed NIAID of their work. 

“this is actual propaganda”!

Annexed Ukrainian Regions


remaining FULLY UNVACCINATED is proving to be the safest defense against contracting Covid-19 & its variants.

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"Right now the thought police have us crawling, ... We have stopped evolving, we have to fight for free thought, to say how we feel and act upon that, in Jesus' name, Amen." Ye 

"I fought fire with fire. I'm not here to get hosed down." Ye