Thursday, June 2, 2022

Shuma-shume-shume-schumann: Ave Maris Stella, DRAG THE KIDS TO PRIDE

Amend­ment II: A well regu­lated Mili­tia, being neces­sary to the secur­ity of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

68th Bilderberg Meeting 2 - 5 June 2022 in Washington, D.C., USA

US Cyber Ops against Russia in Ukraine

meanwhile: in MINNESOTA .... “I want to give the kids an opportunity to see what drag queen/king life is like on a day to day basis.” ..... getting spicy in UTAH  ... ..., full_on FKdUp ......... & then Brandon sanctions Vlad's Yacht

New US sanctions on Russian oligarchs include VP of World Jewish Congress

DOMINION IS BUSTED! Georgia Hand Count Changes Election Results!

SCOTUS order may doom PA GOP Senate candidate McCormick

Plants in the WH

Sandmann Lawyer Joins Kyle Rittenhouse Team, Says Mark Zuckerberg a ‘Top’ Target

I will not eat the bugs.