" “This new terrorism advisory is not based on any actual threats or plots” 13:05 Uh... what?" ihty11
💥💥💥 Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former Pfizer VP latest message - Everyone must listen "They are lying to you all the time. Do not take, especially if you are pregnant "
Hawaii Fire Captain Pours Heart Out Against Governor's Vaccine Mandate
The chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association calls for immediate use of ivermectin as cases surge.
University of South Carolina Forced to Cancel Mask Mandate After Attorney General Says It’s Illegal
Mike Lindell 💥 Cyber Symposium
ALL Presentations Aug. 2021
The Vote Trafficking & Election Cartel Presentation by Professor David Clements
8.14.21: This WAR is picking up STEAM! The beginning of the end started in S. Dakota! PRAY! NOTE - IN THIS VIDEO THERE IS A CLIP STARTING AT 20.25 TO 22.36 where the maths dr tells you that they have forensic images of all the adjudication machines BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER THE ELECTIONS BOOOM This is what code monkey was showing in real time to the legislators.
California city councilman among six charged with election fraud in contest decided by one vote
"This is far from a ‘vigilante group’; leading the team is ex-Department of Homeland Security special agent Tim Ballard, perhaps America’s foremost human trafficking expert. "The problem in HAITI is an international crisis,” Ballard explains. “With so many children displaced or orphaned during the recent earthquake and hurricane, recruiters moved quickly to sweep these children up. And the worst part of it all is that in many cases the clients are the foreigners who’ve come here to help, the NGO workers and the so-called humanitarians.”
Step9: Situational Design everybody pic a team
"The national Government sees in both Christian denominations the most important factor for the maintenance of our society." Adolf H