Monday, August 29, 2022

the Great Reset: For where there is no Christ, there can be no Truth

Abp. ViganΓ²: Globalist doctrine is essentially ‘satanic’; we must ‘rebuild’ Christendom 

"Be sure: the New World Order will not prevail. Its devastating fury that would reduce the world’s population to half a billion human beings will not prevail. His hatred for unborn life and for life that is dying out will not prevail. His plan of tyranny will not prevail. For it is precisely in the deprivation of the Good that we realise the price of what has been taken from us and find the determination and strength to fight and resist. Nor will prevail the apostasy which afflicts the Catholic Hierarchy, now the servant of the world: the sowers of discord and error who infest our churches will inexorably die out, leaving empty the cathedrals and churches, and the convents and seminaries which they occupied sixty years ago with the false promise of the conciliar spring. Because behind it all there is always the fraud and malice of the Liar."

Sunday, August 28, 2022

FBI is in checkmate: by law by order & by regulations of the military & the Constitution.


▶Anonymous 08/28/22 (Sun) 04:51:37 No.17453185 

Fullsized image

Any source that accuses an abject other source of withholding intelligence information from the accuser, cannot be consistent when the accusation itself withholds intelligence information from the accused.

The FBI/DOJ is currently implementing an inconsistent logic, it is presenting itself as invoking a dialectic that it is BOTH correct, good, right, justified, is what it is, to withhold intelligence source information, AND that is incorrect, bad, wrong, unjustified, shouldn't be what is, to withhold intelligence source information.

Dialectic logic practitioners are right now in a checkmate.

They are outputting that what they themselves are doing, as to why the accused should be prosecuted, is the very structure they themselves are invoking.

A source accusing an abject other of withholding information, could ONLY logically do so by being 100% transparent of the intelligence methods to arrive at such an accusation.

It makes no systems sense to encode a logic that says it is BOTH correct AND incorrect for one source of intelligence to withhold intelligence from another source of intelligence.

Biden DOJ/FBI are in a self-imposed informational checkmate.

Their own logic of what the abject other is allegedly guilty of, is precisely what they are doing themselves in that very accusation.

If there is anything other than 100% unredacted transparency from within the accusing DOJ, then it cannot logically assert itself as the authority OVER information that it is itself negating.

▶Anonymous 08/28/22 (Sun) 05:16:34  No.17453230

Do you think this is where they thought they'd be this time post raid?

Trump shitposting & baiting.?

Orange man bad was suppose to be in matching orange attire by meow

Instead they are scrambling to find outs for themselves.

▶Anonymous 08/28/22 (Sun) 05:25:48 No.17453241



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The FBI is in a checkmate.

They are advancing a 'complete' logic contained in a finite set of information that is behind information intelligence firewall while at the same time accusing POTUS of retaining intelligence information behind an information firewall that the FBI asserted needed to be raided using an affidavit as source that is itself withholding intelligence information behind an information firewall.

If it is just to raid Mar A Lago for intelligence information withheld, then such a declaration if consistent must output 100% transparency in ITS intelligence information.

But the FBI is negating the content of its own accusation against POTUS.

World meme'd the NWO into checkmating themselves by maneuvering them into 'POTUS is guilty of intelligence information firewall and our proof is sourced by the very same behavior that allegedly indicates POTUS' guilt'

This is informational checkmate against the dialectic logic of "we will source informational opposites and both are true".

33 IS GO

the most monumental historical covert operation to date & Donald Trump is your President by law by order & by regulations of the military & the Constitution.


Central American trafficker revealed what United States' open border policy allows Mexican drug cartels to do to unaccompanied/kidnapped children.

Bonus points for the Moderna logo framing the video

it's only just begun

The Old Grey Hag Pontificates

filed under Stay-TF-Home: The Big Glowie Trap

July 31, 2007 - UKRAINE ........... March 31, 2019 - UKRAINE


▶Anonymous 08/28/22 (Sun) 15:34:38  No.17455771

> Only way to stop the vax was promoting the vax

if they hadn't come out with a vaccine

and HCQ was banned

along with all other treatments

they would have totally locked down the country

closed all small businesses

kept the populations of the world locked up

in their own houses

left us to the TV for instructions and permissions

and we'd be living in a real communist hell

for 8 years until they found a vaccine

Trump trumped them

we just had to do our homework

and if you were paying attention

you wouldn't have trusted those bastards for a minute

Chyna virus was AN ATTACK ON THE WORLD

and where did it all begin

but in Fauci's laboratories

at least it is looking exactly like that

got to pay attention to this stuff

there were warnings to beware

and they cut Trump off from every option

Friday, August 26, 2022

Calm before the storm

▶ Anonymous 08/26/22(Fri)18:11:07 No.392681731

>>392680956 Even my Democrat family members were raising eyebrows at that. It's a really strange move to make and I'm suspecting they had two different stories(poison shots and you need the old shots for the new shots) ready to go, but they were only supposed to release one but there was a mix up and they pushed both out by accident.

I suspect the usual top-down communication has broken down with the departure of Fauci and all those CDC+NIH staff. Rats are fleeing this sinking ship and fast, as we speak, look into it.

  •   Some great articles on the defections.

One of these people is going to testify against all the others, and that'll turn the snowball already rolling down this hill into an all-destroying avalanche. Calm before the storm, etc.

And just to put it in print, because every thread on this subject needs it:  Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli committed a genocide using a bio-weapon of their own creation. The death toll of this genocide is anywhere from... - 23 million, to... - possibly 12 million more. Or maybe double that, if the 40% all-cause mortality spike reported in 2021 holds globally. And the amount of overlap with the first number is unknown, and likely will never be known. Tens of millions, certainly. Somewhere between 20 and 40 million most likely. And it's not over.

But justice is coming.


Thursday, August 25, 2022

WE ARE ARRIVED: fiat currency end game, & Tina's Takin' Alexandria to the Shed

Nobody at the Pentagon wants to take responsibility for forcing a poison shot on the troops

O Billy, Billy, Billy,, ....... you are such an evil man.

“This Vaccine Is The Most Dangerous Vaccine Ever Created”

▶Anonymous 08/24/22 (Wed) 17:12:10 3fed77 (9) No.17437534 

How do you convince a society absolutely grounded in vaccines are the only way to not be grounded in this way?

How do you stop a global machine bent on destruction of nation from using a pandemic to steal yet another election?

How do you expose decades of corporate/mil/industrial complex is so deeply tied to the political system and wake people from abdicating responsibility they've given over to those complexes?

2 years, in a matter of 2 years they have all been exposed and the pandemic shut down, it had to go to the grass roots level to complete the turn around

nothing short of amazing as it's been decades in the making, a creeping subversion of reason and common sense.


National School Stated Authority Insanity!!


dear taxpaying schlub: Ukrainian Parliament just Voted to Give Themselves a Raise thanks to U

The Mental Gymnastics of the verifyably insane

but there's more 

Wisconsin: ‘Person With a Vulva’

(EU doubles down on stupid, Budapest will be the Capitol of the EU when this over)


13 States are Abortion-Free & 62 Abortion Businesses Have Closed Since Roe Overturned

EU: Controlled Demolition? this will not be over soon.


Operation Cross Country XII

it's the bots stupid

"The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence."

"in the New York Times last week. Harvard’s Ryan D. Doerfler and Yale’s Samuel Moyn said that the Constitution is “famously undemocratic” & therefore needs to be overthrown and replaced with feminist and racial liberation ideology and global warming mumbo-jumbo." 

The Old Woman & The FireMen

‘Military Grade Psy-Op’: Twitter Narrative Is Controlled By Millions of Bots

MAR-A-LAGO RAID: Litigation by Leak

5G Radiation poisoning, has the exact same symptoms as Covid-19

Prophets & Patriots - Episode 20 with Gregg Phillips & Steve Shultz



Turning migrants into VOTERS is the admitted plan!

Viva & Barnes - North Carolina



hot minute of the potato

but you knew this

Lizard King Brain-implants for Children



Monday, August 22, 2022

Connect The Dots: THE COVID GODS, the final timeline, La, La, La. πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£

  • LIVE: The Moment of Truth Summit by Mike Lindell in Springfield MO 8-20-2022 – DAY ONE 
  • LIVE: The Moment of Truth Summit by Mike Lindell in Springfield MO 8-20-2022 – DAY TWO


WEF: There Are ‘Rational’ Reasons To Microchip Children

Top WEF Advisor Says Humans Will Wear ‘Biometric Sensors,’ be ‘Constantly Monitored’ by Chinese Government, Facebook, Google


"Over the past 38 years as NIAID Director, I have had the enormous privilege of serving under and advising seven Presidents of the United States, beginning with President Ronald Reagan, on newly emerging and re-emerging infectious disease threats including HIV/AIDS, West Nile virus, the anthrax attacks, pandemic influenza, various bird influenza threats, Ebola and Zika, among others, and, of course, most recently the COVID-19 pandemic. I am particularly proud to have served as the Chief  πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden since the very first day of his administration."

the infamous September 14, 2021 memo

meanwhile: THE WRONG STATE!!

EXACTLY WHAT IS BEHIND THE UN & WEF INSECTS AS FOOD AGENDA? "Why is the WEF pushing insects as food? Easy answer: Because the Bible says that you are not supposed to eat lowly and disgusting things. You are to eat birds that bob their heads, fish, and animals with cloven hoofs. A pig has a cloven hoof but is an exception. Insects come in well below pigs, they are not supposed to be a food supply. So pushing bugs as food is simply being done to lower the "little people" to a sub-biblical standard." Jim S.

Democrat Hive-Mind: Gearing Up for November & 2024


SWEDEN, the deep end



Mitch M. ........................ &, throwing the Senate midterms.

"getting the vax was the biggest mistake... and greatest regret of my life."  Dan Bongino


& millions of mentally enslaved morons

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Wake up call for those who didn't see it coming

paying attention & preparing for the coming years.

If the trial was a boxing match

Karma. By any means

Facebook is part of the mass genocide agenda & they are paid well for it

Citizens United Sues Biden Administration Over Election-Takeover Documents

The Thunderbolts Project is the collaborative voice of the Electric Universe movement established in 2004. It is a trademark of the non-profit T-Bolts Group Inc. Its prime mission is to explore the Electric Universe paradigm. Historical and current discoveries in the sciences emphasize the dynamic role of the electromagnetic force in nature, from quantum worlds and biological systems to planetary, stellar, and galactic domains.

Wind Turbines Are Destroying the Planet

  (death jabs/clot shots)

Australia: Time to nip this insanity before it gets off the ground.

manufactured by a little known company w/significant ties to US intelligence.

$54 BILLION of your hard-earned & stolen income!!


These three Americans invaded nine countries in 23 years, killing 11 million civilians & no one called them a "war criminal."

prime minister of  euro trash country Finland


Friday, August 19, 2022


Michael and Vanessa McKee gave birth to a healthy baby boy two weeks ago and two hours after leaving the hospital, Sheriff's deputies showed up at their front door at the behest of Florida CPS. If you aren't familiar with the horror show CPS can be to even healthy, loving families, watch this new documentary: 


Help the McKee family: