Sunday, January 31, 2021

SEIZING ASSETS, FREEZING MONEY, IMPOSING SANCTIONS: 30 outstanding election fraud cases & Feb. 1ST

Nancy Pelosi insider trading corruption completely exposed by the liberal hivemind channel, And it’s not just Tesla

"Marjorie Taylor Greene calling out treachery. 
Pelosi saying, "The enemy is in the WH" 
McCarthy and Greene meeting with Trump. 
This morning's narrative going out that Trump's lawyers won't push the stolen election line. 
Even Gaetz in Wisc Wyoming. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021


August Queen of Heaven, Sovereign Mistress of Angels, Thou who from the beginning hast received from God the power & the mission to crush the head of Satan, we humbly beseech Thee to send Thy Holy Legions that under Thy command & by Thy heavenly power, they may pursue the evil spirits, encounter them on every side, resist their bold attacks & thrust them into the abyss of eternal woe.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Buckle Up: the Farewell Speech & the George Washington Prophecy

President Trump Farewell Address to the Nation – FULL Transcript

"America, you belong to me, the child of my heart. No one will steal you from have not yet reached your greatest moment. The truly great moment of your history, the moment when you will save the world still lies ahead."  Mary † Locutions 7/21/15

"Yet, my hand remains upon America, my hand of blessing and protection for all those moments of kindness and thoughtfulness, past and future, which flow from her generosity. America is my only hope in a world that will be plunged into great darkness. America has always held a special place in my heart and I am not about to displace her with another. She is my love, chosen from the beginning of her birth as a nation. Would I abandon one whom I have chosen? Would I set aside my first born? I banish such thoughts from my mind. 
   I will work with America. In the day of her darkness, I will not abandon her. In the days that she turns away from me, I will not cut her off or reject her. I will await her. I will await her return and she will once more embrace her Maker, as she did in the beginning. The ties are too great, too strong, too long lasting to be shredded in these moments of her foolishness." Jesus † Locutions 11/12/12